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Supplier Audit
MES has an international quality team with total 34 members, among which 13 in China, 10 in India, 5 in Mexico, 5 in US and 1 in Vietnam. We have a routine training schedule to ensure they stay current with the trends across industries.
Why is supplier auditing necessary? Suppliers will make bold demands to the machinery, production capacity and internal quality control to win your business. Under normal circumstances, they may not apply these during actual production. What could MES do? We have Resident Quality Engineers over plants across regions to monitor actual production and by controlling the process, we are able to carry out the sustainable production and quality controllability.
MES auditor will be deployed to the supplier appointed by you and with his expertise, he will analyze its production capacity level. A thorough report will be submitted to you for review, including all production, accommodation, meeting and supplier facility, 5S, warehouse management and process control documents.
Apart from these, MES is also capable of investigating Ethnical Standards relating to health and safety, employee benefits, illegal labor, business sustainability and financial fund chain. MES serves a purpose to guarantee suppliers are fully capable of manufacturing your products, as well as obeying local laws and international labor standards.
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