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The selection of suppliers for some special processes
We will face some special processes in our procurement, MES has a preference. MES is a global enterprise, We have professional technical staffs and purchasing staffs in each branch of each country. We can do resource sharing and seamless docking. No matter how hard it is to find a supplier, we have a way to find it. We have a successful case of that, is looking for PPG plastic powder. At beginning, we couldn’t find an accurate contact through a variety of ways, through the interpretation of the PPG company in India, and contact the sales in China, finally we dock successfully. If you go directly to the suppliers, you may get very high prices because of your small scale of business.
Currently, the supplier resources of special process in MES include: Squeeze casting, oxygen free copper forging, plating process is relatively thick, plastic powder salt spray test is relatively high, dust-free spraying, anodic oxidation, etc.
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